Think yoga is only for the young, fit, flexible?
Associate yoga with bold, big movements making it inaccessible? The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali share timeless maxims for seeing yoga. Sthira-sukham asanam translates “the posture should be steady and comfortable”. I teach you to find steadiness and comfort within your own yoga practice. Be curious and notice.
Yoga is ageless.
Be Curious
Tuesday evenings in September - Gentle Yoga
Four - class series
Tuesdays - Sept 3,10,17,24
5:45 – 7pm
Birmingham Physical Therapy
3234 Cahaba Heights Rd
Pre-registration is requested. Invest $50 for four - class package or $20 for each class. Please sign up by contacting Marie.
Wednesday mornings - Let your yoga practice take root
11am - 12:15pm
Birmingham Yoga
605 37th Street South
Come till the soil of your yoga practice. Noticing sensation, recognizing our limits, and welcoming movement with curiosity will be our focus.
Each class will offer a balanced asana practice building strength with weight bearing poses and emphasizing softness with more restorative work.
No registration required.
“The longest journey begins with a single step.”
What folks are saying
Terri Glasgow
Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2010
I love Marie! I have been practicing with her for about 10 years and she is always smiling and supportive! No matter your level, Marie makes you feel at home on your mat.
Jan Gentry
Dedicated Yoga Practitioner
Yoga helps my osteoarthritis and my general health. After the pandemic, a move, and joint replacement, I began looking for a yoga teacher. I found Marie, and her classes have truly been “healing yoga” for me. The classes are great for any level.
Lori Nichols
Author and Illustrator
Marie's yoga classes feel otherworldly. Gentle restorative stretches along with Marie's calm, peaceful presence make this my favorite yoga class in town.
Let's stay in touch.
I'll send periodic emails to stoke your curiosity and invite your participation in upcoming workshops and classes.