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Bearing witness on the Southern border
I’ve returned from a church mission trip to McAllen, Texas. My heart is heavy. Here’s what I saw and heard: Families camped out in the...
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Only kindness makes sense
I walked into a coffee shop to kill time and write a blog on kindness. And what do I experience immediately but a nice, young man...
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Meditation for the rest of us
I’ve returned from a brief experience of monastic life and realize it’s not for me. It came as a surprise. I expected to step into the...
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Maybe practice doesn't make perfect
Let’s turn “practice makes perfect” on its head. Instead, practice, the art of exercising a skill repeatedly, may not lead to perfection...
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Seeking wonder and stillness
Writing and sending a blog on wonder, stillness, and play in December was my plan. I had led a workshop at St. Stephen’s Episcopal. We...
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How do we live gratefully?
How do we live gratefully in these painful times? Turn on the tv, read the news, listen to a podcast/radio talk show, canvass for a...
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Have you been touched by cancer?
Has cancer touched your life? If so, you know it to be an unwelcome visitor that hijacks health, disrupts life, and demands attention....
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Clamoring toward happiness
"Hallelujah" by Mary Oliver Everyone should be born into this world happy and loving everything.But in truth it rarely works that
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The importance of guides
Spring is on my mind and new life is greening up. I’ve gardened for years reading up on deer resistant plants, delighting in early...
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Easy gets a bad rap
It’s fair to say we look down on easy. Easy often connotes inferior, lacking effort, not worth it. It’s also true that things that come...
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Blessing life in 2018
I’ve always had a mixed reaction to this idea of blessing. Largely I reject the premise that God blesses some and not others. So when...
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Deepening our practice
I love being a student. It invigorates and deepens my practice. This fall I studied adaptive yoga with Matthew Sanford at the Mind Body...
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At the heart of who we are
What is fundamental to our human nature? This question has many answers. Thupten Jinpa, author of A Fearless Heart: How the Courage to Be...
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"Building a better world"
“Building a better world” is the theme of the summer reading program for the 39 libraries of the Jefferson County Library Cooperative. I...
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Interested in living skillfully?
“Yoga is skill in action.” Bhagavad Ghita What does this mean? For starters yoga is much more than striking a pose. Yoga offers tools for...
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Remembering the heart
Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen offers healing insight as a physician, professor, author, and human being. I share this heart meditation with many of
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Beyond comfort
We’re all feeling uneasy with the discord in our public life. I know I am. Yoga classes seem fuller as one indicator. Are folks just...
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How Words Shape Us
Bumper stickers grab your attention. With a picture or a pithy phrase they communicate instantly. YOU ARE YOUR WORDS says it all. This...
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Picking Ourselves Up
I just read a wonderful book about a father’s firsthand account of his young daughter Zoe's struggle with cancer. And I don’t think it’s...
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Back to the basics
What does it mean to have an embodied experience? We often take our bodies for granted unless we’re training for an athletic competition,...
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